The construction industry is evolving at a rapid pace spurred on by technological advances and people’s desire to build even more complex structures that not only amazes in terms of architecture but also in operational efficiency. Timber and brick which reigned as the building material of choice for centuries gave way to steel less than half a century ago. Now steel is being edged out by composite panel which is stronger, lighter and more durable. Stronger and lighter is no longer sufficient. The building materials need to have better insulation properties, need them to be transparent and so on. This demand is driving the industry to be more adaptive and inventive. It is hard to keep up with the latest advances, and most companies do not, they work on a need to know basis. At TBT we demand it of ourselves and for our customers to know the latest technological advances in construction materials and processes so that we can better advise you at the pre-build phase of the construction of the options and cost available. We promise to work with you at all phases of the build, to explore and incorporate the best and latest in technology and deliver a construction of superior quality that meets all the requirements.